Hey Dreamer!  Your goals look good on you!  This Vision Board Kit has everything you need to create your dream board. Affirmation Cards, Inspirational Images & Quotes and more!

Vision Board Kit

There is nothing mysterious about making bread! Practice makes perfect so bake, bake, bake!

Goal Setting Worksheets

Images, goal setting worksheets, affirmation cards. It's all in the kit.

There is nothing mysterious about making bread! Practice makes perfect so bake, bake, bake!

Affirmation Cards for  Goal Setting

There is nothing mysterious about making bread! Practice makes perfect so bake, bake, bake!

Worksheets on Goal Setting

Choose Images that match your goals


Study's show that creating a visual reminder of your goals will keep you more focused and motivated.

Vision Board Pictures



Use a magnetic board that comes with our Deluxe Kit or use poster board. Look over your board every day for focus, direction and inspiration!   Add new goals as you go! 

Vision Board Ideas



We give you 52 Affirmation cards with messages on the front and back.

Techniques for Goal Setting 

Goals Vision Board Ideas

Affirmation cards are a great way to set your daily intension to reach your goals.

Ideas for Vision Board

This kit comes with everything you need! Sign up for our Dream Dash Vision Board Course for the ultimate goal setting experience.