Learn how to Make Pine Cone Fire Starters using paraffin wax, string, pine cones and a muffin pan. Start backyard fire pit fires easily with just one fire starter. Great for camping or DIY gift ideas.
Summertime means camping for a lot of folks or sitting out by the fire pit. I have been wanting to make these Pine Cone Fire Starters for a while and thought I’d try them out. These will be so handy and hopefully, make fire starting much easier. The amount of S’More’s being made over campfires goes way up during the summer months, so having fast access to fire starting is a must! There is nothing more fun than hanging out on a warm summer evening with a group of people around a campfire. Right?
These homemade fire starters are great for the outdoor fireplace we built in our backyard.
Pine Cone Fire Starters
People who have wood-burning fireplaces or wood stoves could use these year round.
I had some pine cones left over from the holidays hanging out in my basement and thought I’d whip up a batch of these this weekend. So fast to make and easy. You know how I like easy.
I gathered my supplies and got busy.
Homemade Fire Starters
There are a few ways to make fire starters which I share further down as you scroll. My favorite way is with pine cones! These are a great holiday gift or housewarming gift for those who have indoor fireplaces and wood stoves, or a backyard firepit or fireplace. They are also great for taking with you on hiking or camping trips.

Supplies Needed for Pine Cone Fire Starters
- pine cones
- paraffin wax
- cotton string (I used my baker’s twine because it’s what I had…….it’s cotton)
- cupcake liners
- muffin tin

DIY Pine Cone Fire Starters
Easy to make homemade fire starters using pine cones, wax, string and a muffin pan.
- Pine Cones (dry)
- Paraffin Wax or old candle wax
- String or twine
- Muffin Pan
- Paper cupcake liners
- Double boiler
- Gather your supplies.
- Get your double boiler ready. I used a mason jar, but you can use a can or candle-making pots.
- Cut the wax into small pieces so it will melt quicker.
- Place the wax into the jar or can and place the can in the water. The water only needs to be a couple of inches high on the jar or can.
- Slowly bring to a boil.
- While you're waiting for the pot to boil, line the muffin pan with paper cupcake liners and cut and wrap the string around the bottom and middle of each pine cone.
- When the wax is melted, use caution when pouring into the lined muffin pan. Fill each liner only about a 1/2 to 1 inch high.
- Place your prepared pine cones in each space making sure the bottom of the pine cone is sitting in the wax.
- Allow to completely cool before using.
- It also helps to dip the string into the wax if you want.
- Another method is to dip the whole pinecone into the wax and place it on a sheet of wax paper to cool, skipping the muffin man portion. Use tongs and appropriate safety to protect yourself from getting burned.
Fire Starters Using Dryer Lint
Toilet Paper Tubes & Lint Fire Starter
Dryer lint is a popular material when making homemade fire starters. You can stuff a toilet paper roll full of dryer lint, wrap the filled tube with wax paper and then wrap in newspaper. That’s it.
Egg Carton & Lint Fire Starter
Another popular method is to use an egg carton and dryer lint. Fill each portion of the egg carton with lint. Pour melted paraffin wax or old melted candles over the lint. Once cooled, just cut it apart and use one at a time.
Fire Starters Using Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly like Vaseline and cotton balls is a great fire starter. A bit messy, but very easy to make. Saturate the cotton ball with petroleum jelly and place it in a plastic bag or tin.
Fire Starters Using Saw Dust
This is another easy way to make fire starters for indoor or outdoor fires. All you need is a cookie sheet, parchment paper or aluminum foil, sawdust and wax. Press the sawdust down in your pan. Pour melted wax over the sawdust. Let cool. Flip the pan over or lift the parchment paper out. Cut or break into small pieces. Done!
Can Fire Starters be Used Inside?
Yes, fire starters can be used for both indoor and outdoor fires. If you heat your home with a wood stove or fireplace, this is an easy way to get your fire burning quickly. Fire starters are great to take camping and hiking too.
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Lauren says
This is so clever! As an avid campfire lover, I have to try these. Normally I make the man of the house light the fire since I am a bit skittish when it comes to matches, gasoline and such, but I think I could handle these! What I like even more is, they’re cute too! I suppose you could use whatever cupcake liners you want. Red, white and blue ones would be perfect for our 4th of July fire! I better get working on this project. With campfires almost every weekend, they are sure to be used up quickly! Thanks for sharing!
Tara from The Magnolia Barn says
This is the neatest thing and would come in perfectly for our fires! Pinned!
Cindy {crazloucreations} says
Great idea! I agree–perfect for our campfires! Thanks Kim!
Cindy @Crazylou
Jill @ Kitchen Fun With My 3 Son says
This is a great idea! We are going camping this weekend and I just might try this out!:)
Maria B says
These are great! We have campfires all the time and these pine cone’s would be a big help to get things started.
Maria @ Krafty Cards etc.