With just a few items, I was able to create a budget friendly office update that’s functional and stylish. I added a new area rug and more portable storage options to tame the clutter with a few items from Better Homes & Gardens at Walmart.

Budget Friendly Office Update Mini Makeover
As a BHGLivebetter Influencer, our monthly challenge had me focusing on my office space.
My office and my craft room really took a beating these past few months and was highly neglected, I needed to declutter fast! For online influencers, the months of October, November, and December (the 4th quarter) can be brutal. This is when the bulk of our sponsored work is created. Combine that with the holidays and something has to give.
Office Makeover BEFORE
It’s a dark room anyway and my carpet, which is also from Better Homes & Gardens was just too dark. (it’s a 5’x7′ and on sale for $51.91, it also comes in a variety of sizes, as large as 7’x10′ for $108) I love it for its design and softness, but it was just the wrong choice for this room. And it was time to tame the clutter. I share this office with whoever is using the other side desk and computer. I’d like to paint it, but that would require taking the extra large Memo Boards down and removing ALL my office furniture. It’s the only way my husband repaints a room. So, until then, I will live with the celery green paint left over from my Mediterranian decor days.
Office Makeover AFTER
And here it is after with just a few adjustments. It’s brighter, and more inviting, which always improves your work environment.
I was excited to focus on some much-needed organizing when the new year arrived! You may have been following my Instagram Stories while I reorganized my craft room and prop shelves, it’s 99% finished and it feels so good.
My office, especially the closet was my next target. Closets are great to have, but if you’re like me, you don’t clean them out often enough and they end up being a landing spot to put anything you can’t find a place for. Plus, it was my hiding spot of Christmas gifts.
I was able to find a spot for everything, which creates a much nicer work environment.
Office Closet Makeover BEFORE
This is where I store magazines, books, recipe books etc… all for content inspiration. Clearly, I needed a better system. I was also using the top shelf for photo storage, which I also have in my craft room. Placing all my photos in one place freed up a whole shelf.
Office Closet AFTER
I can see what I have, it’s labeled for quick access. Labels also help when putting items away.
I already feel so much better. Creating less chaos helps this creative brain stay focused.
Look at all those storage options!
I was able to create quick labels using clear self-adhesive paper by printing out what I needed.
Creating a space for everything and everything in its space. Isn’t that always the key?
Budget-Friendly Office Update Shopping List
Here are the items I added for office storage solutions and style.
- Black & Cream Transverse Ogee Area Rug – $62.70 | This area rug comes in a variety of sizes from a 22″x 60″ to the largest 10’x 12′ for $208.45
- Sea Grass Baskets – $22.99 for a 2 pack.
- Wire Baskets with Copper Handle $22.72 for a 3 pack
- Adjustable Arm Desk Lamp – $37.00
- Half-Height Fabric Cube Storage Bin – $7.94 for a 2 pack. These come in 3 different colors. I purchased 7 sets and will probably use the rest for my prop shelves.
Everything I chose for my mini budget-friendly office update makeover is inexpensive and all added more function and style. Finding organizing solutions that are also stylish is always a benefit!
I love how it looks and feels! I’m ready to tackle 2019!
Budget Friendly Room Makeover Ideas
Budget-Friendly Bedroom Makeover
Alicia says
Great organizational tips and so affordable! Thank you!
Kim says
thank you!
Taylor W. says
LOVE that office rug! Getting organized makes such a difference!
Kim says
Thank you Taylor! I’m really enjoying it!
Alli says
This is awesome and it looks beautiful. I’m in need of an update so this will absolutely help.
Kim says
Thank you! It won’t be in any magazines, but it’s functional and perfect for me!
Tara says
Looks great! I’m a big fan of adding plants to liven up a space.
Kim says
I love plants too! Most of mine are artificial though. 🙂
Kara says
You’re right about the rug, it really does brighten up the space! And it’s amazing what a difference baskets make. I’m in the process of adding them to all my closet shelves, and it’s a little embarrassing how happy it makes me! 😉
Kim says
Thanks Kara! The room can be so dark anyway, this new rug really helps. I’m loving my space!
Beth Klosterboer says
I love the new rug! I’m a huge fan of organizing my closets using baskets and boxes. Your’s looks great.
Kim says
Thank you! It’s not the typical style I lean towards, so I’m really pleased it worked out! I love the pop it gives!