I made these Iron on Chicken Tea Towels using Iron-on transfer paper. Using your inkjet printer, this paper allows you to transfer a design or image onto a fabric surface using heat and pressure. This type of paper is commonly used for home decor projects such as creating custom t-shirts, pillowcases, and wall hangings.
Yep, I’m at it again with the iron-on transfers! This time, I’m making Iron On Chicken Tea Towels. If you’ve never worked with iron-on transfer paper, this will rock your world! Iron any design onto a variety of items for a fun new look!
Iron On Chicken Tea Towels
There is no easier way to add quick decor to a room, whether it’s creating seasonal decor or newly designed dish towels. I’ve made pillows, table runners and lots and lots of dish towels. Iron-On transfers make it so easy to create new home decor items without breaking the bank.
I’m looking for simple ways to spring clean, bring in the spring and summer decor and to declutter! The best motivator for me is to have something fresh to display and this spring it’s my new Iron On Chicken Tea Towels. Download your free chicken printable and follow my tutorial below to make your own.
As I mentioned earlier, if I have something new to spruce up my space, or I’m updating decor to reflect the season, that’s always a great motivator. That’s why I created these simple and quick Iron On Chicken Tea Towels.
It’s just enough excitement, the small kick in the pants I needed to get going and get a few things organized.
Another quick DIY craft to get me motivated to rearrange my living room after receiving my new sofa was this DIY Cloche tutorial I did a few weeks ago. They make me smile every time I walk into the room.
How to Use Iron-on Transfer Paper
To use iron-on transfer paper, you will need a printer, the transfer paper itself, a fabric surface, and an iron. First, you will need to design your image or graphic on your computer and print it onto the transfer paper using an inkjet printer. Then, place the transfer paper onto your fabric surface, and apply heat and pressure with your iron according to the instructions on the transfer paper package. Once the transfer is complete, you can peel off the paper backing to reveal your design on the fabric surface.
Images for Iron-On Transfer Paper

Subscribers have free access to all the printables in The Printable Vault. If you’re already a subscriber, use the password that is listed in every email from Today’s Creative Life.

How to Make Iron-on Kitchen Towels
Easy step-by-step directions on how to use Iron-on Transfer paper to make your own iron-on kitchen towels with a cute chicken design.
- Iron-on Transfer Sheets for Light Colored Fabric
- Smooth Cotton Dish Towels (IKEA Dish Towels work great for this project
- Chicken Design Image
- Iron or Cricut EasyPress
- Ironing Board or Ironing Pad
- Inkjet Printer
- Download the Chicken image from The Printable Vault. You can subscribe here for free access.
- Load your printer with the Iron-On Transfer Paper. The brand I use has a stripe on one side. Make sure it prints on the non-stripe side. Read the package instructions.
- Trim the image leaving at least a 1/2-inch edge. I trimmed mine a bit close, which makes paper removal harder.
- Heat up the iron to the cotton setting. No steam.
- Iron your towel to remove any wrinkles and moisture.
- Place the image face down onto your towel.
- Apply the hot iron with pressure for about 30 seconds. Always a good idea to read the package directions of the iron-on transfer paper as they may have specific instructions.
- Let it cool and then start peeling the paper away from the towel to reveal the ironed-on image.
- Wash as normal. It may fade after time, but they hold up quite well.

These also make great gifts! I may make up a set for my Mother in law for Mother’s Day.
I created this post for a dear friend’s book launch.

I’ve been reading my friend’s new book to help her launch its release. MAKE ROOM for what you LOVE, by Melissa Michaels from The Inspired Room. Melissa and I have been blogging for about the same amount of time and I just love her sensible approach. I’m also so proud of what she’s created, it’s so helpful to so many! She’s a home blogger that encourages you to love your space and her latest book is teaching you to declutter, in the most sensible way! She’s got 2 other great books and a new adult coloring book for the home designer in you!
And friends…. I can be the queen of clutter! But then I suddenly turn into Miss Cranky pants because everything feels out of control! It’s a never-ending struggle and reading Melissa’s book is planting many seeds for thought in how to change this vicious cycle. There are several of us bloggers supporting Melissa and helping get the word out about her launch. If you love home blogs, then this list is a must!
Eleven Gables / Craftberry Bush / At the Picket Fence / Julie Blanner / Beneath My Heart / Thrifty Decor Chick / Emily A. Clark / Reluctant Entertainer / My Sweet Savannah / Domestic Fashionista / At Home In Love / 320 Sycamore / Sunny Side Up / Happy Happy Nester / The White Buffalo Styling Co / Sweet and Simple Home / Finding Home Farms / In My Own Style / Fox Hollow Cottage / The House of Silver Lining / Infarrantly Creative / Fieldstone Hill Design / Shabby Nest / Today’s Creative Life / Sarah M. Dorsey Designs / Just A Girl / Southern Hospitality
This quote is probably the one that speaks volumes to me. I need to have it tattooed on my forehead. It reminds me of the One Touch Rule I learned years ago, which I fail at miserably.
I am also loving her Five Ways to Get Better Organized with a Little Therapeutic Frenzy. Because you can do SO much in as little as 5 minutes if you just do it, right?
Iron-On Transfer Project Ideas
Transfer any image with Iron-on Transfer Paper. Create DIY home decor, DIY gifts, T-Shirts and more.
DIY Home Decor with Iron On Transfer Sheets
Download free botanical graphics for this easy DIY decorating project.
Julie Blanner says
These are adorable! Thanks for sharing!
Melissa Michaels says
Well, aren’t those cute little tea towels? I love having something new and cute to inspire me. I sometimes start a project with something pretty just to motivate me to do the messy work. ha. I’m so glad our paths crossed in blogging. You have always been a big support and encouragement to me to keep on keeping on! I’m so grateful for your post and kindness in my book launch, too. Thank you, Kim!