Make a DIY Ice Pack a 3 different ways. You can use water and isopropyl rubbing alcohol, dish soap or corn syrup. My favorite way is just using 2 ingredients of water and alcohol which makes a flexible slushy ice pack to use for minor injuries.
With the number of injuries I’ve had and with soccer starting up again for my son, I am reminded how much we use ice packs. Granted, it’s my solution to everything. If it hurts, ice it! I use ice packs a lot. We also do a lot of hot baths with our homemade DIY Bath Detox Recipe.
Although I have several professional ice packs, my homemade ice packs are so easy to make and handy to have.
DIY Ice Pack
When my son was about 18 months old, he was always skinning his knees, so I had several of these DIY Ice Packs made up in those small snack bags. It was the perfect size for his little chubby knees. I always double bag and of course I would never leave my child alone with one because I have good common sense.
Even though we have some pretty nice ice packs I purchased from my chiropractor, I still keep a couple of these homemade ones ready for when we need to take them in the car to ice along the way. I still double bag, but I have been known to leave my child alone with one now. (he’s 15)
How to Use a DIY Ice Pack
- Place a paper towel or thin dish towel between the ice pack and skin to prevent any skin irritation.
- Ice for about 20 min and remove. Place ice pack back in the freezer.
- Ice 2 or 3 times each day.
Icing is great for injuries. Way back in the day, we learned the RICE technique. It was also what I learned in my athletic training classes in college.
- R – REST
- I – ICE
- C- Compression
- E- Elevation
Many people think using heat is the best for injuries, but if it’s swollen, you do not want heat. If it’s sore joints or muscles, heat is great…….but make sure it’s moist heat.
Otherwise, it’s doing nothing. I’m not a doctor and I don’t even play one on TV, but we can’t live without our homeopathic Traumeel
cream. With Arnica as one of its ingredients, it’s great for injuries, bruising, sore muscles etc… It’s spendy but so worth it.
How to Make DIY Ice Packs
Knowing how to make products for our home is a great way to save money, or when you need something in a pinch and you can’t get to the store right away. Like my homemade slug bait to DIY laundry detergent, these things come in handy.

Homemade Ice Pack
Easy to make homemade ice pack with 2 ingredients.
- Water
- Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
- Freezer plastic bags
- Measuring Cup
- I use a large glass 4 cup measuring cup, measuring 1 cup rubbing alcohol to 3 cups water.
- You can make smaller batches using the 1:3 ratio. 1 part rubbing alcohol to 3 parts water.
- Pour into your freezer bag, leaving 2 or 3 inches of headspace. Try to get out as much air as possible.
- Zip closed. I like to double bag to avoid leaking. It's more for peace of mind. I've never had an of them leak.
- Place in the freezer, laying them flat if you can. Allow a couple of hours to freeze up.
- Place them back in the freezer after each use.
- Use a 3:1 ratio. 3 parts water to 1 part rubbing alcohol.
- Using dish soap instead? Use 1 cup dish soap with 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol.
- Using Corn Syrup? Pour into a baggie and freeze.
How to Make an Ice Pack with Dish Soap
Another easy way to make your own homemade ice packs is using dish soap and rubbing alcohol. Many use Dawn dish soap primarily for the blue color so it looks more like a store-bought flexible ice pack.
Pour 1 cup of dish soap into a gallon-size Ziploc plastic bag. Then pour in 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol. Squeeze out as much air and zip up tightly, then double bag to prevent leaking. Mix around to blend it all together and freeze.
Homemade Ice Packs using Corn Syrup
This one is super easy! All you do is pour corn syrup into your baggie and freeze. Remember to double bag, or you’ll have a sticky mess to clean up.
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nest of posies says
i’ve never seen this trick before! great tip, thanks Kim!
Amanda Padgett says
Very helpful!! We have many minor injuries around here with horse-backing riding, bike riding, scooters, etc.. These DIY ice packs will be very handy!
TidyMom says
we make this with Dawn!! such a great idea to have in the freezer for sure!
Kim says
I’ve heard of people doing that! We’ve never tried that method……..yet.
Amy@theidearoom says
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!