Update: I originally wrote How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies back in 2013. I am still using this non-toxic method for getting rid of those pesky insects now in 2017. Making your own homemade fruit fly trap is easy and inexpensive! It will also save your sanity!
Every year, starting in the late summer months, I start to notice them and even though there are many other methods, this is one of my tried and true ways that works every time for getting rid of fruit flies.
I have also been known to just fill a small dish with apple cider vinegar, and a drop of dish soap. I dip my finger in and run and run it along the edge of the dish to make it extra sticky.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen lately making Apple Cakes, Dog treats and Pumpkin Brownies and it’s happening. Fruit Flies have invaded my kitchen and I must stay calm.
The saving grace is at least they don’t bite. Every year, I Google How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies and every year, I end up doing my tried and true method. It’s not pretty, but it’s pretty effective and it doesn’t take any fancy supplies. I have found that if I use the good apple cider vinegar, like Braggs or Trader Joes, the ones with the “mother”, it tends to work even better. The “mother” is the unfiltered sediment……so look for the unfiltered ACV.
How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap
Homemade Fruit Fly Trap Supplies
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- Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
- Plastic Wrap (I like the press and seal kind best)
- rubber band (only if you use the regular plastic wrap)
- something sharp to poke a hole in the plastic wrap, like a toothpick
You don’t need a full bottle. I hate using a new bottle and prefer to use one that’s almost gone. Fruit flies don’t drink much. (If you only have a full bottle, use a glass like my friend Stephanie did for her fruit fly trap. Or this chemical free fruit fly trap).
- Taking the cap off the vinegar, simply press a piece of plastic wrap over the top making it tight over the top of the bottle.
- Using something sharp and round like a toothpick, poke a few holes into the top.
- You only need a few. The fruit flies will climb into the hole and are too dumb to find their way out. Or maybe they’re too drunk? It’s a happy death.
- You may see them gathering at the top. It may take them a second to figure out how to climb into the hole, but they will.
- Place your new non-toxic fruit fly trap where you see the most fruit flies and just wait for a few minutes.
- See all those fruit flies? And that was only 10 minutes after using my homemade fruit fly trap. Those are all fruit flies that are no longer driving me crazy!!! This was only after about 10 minutes.
This is only after 10 minutes!
Now I suppose I could keep all my fruit in the fridge……….but come on…….banana’s do not like being in the fridge.
Now you know how to get rid of fruit flies the easy way!
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Maria Ahl says
I have been doing this for so many years and it works like a charm, one of my daughters did give me a hard time though with animal cruelty, so started using fruit in a jar and when it was fullish of flies, i would take it out to my compost bin and release them there, voila, outta my house, daughter happy and I am too
Sheena says
I took our fresh bowls of fruit and placed them in the fridge before starting this. I didnt have apple cider vinegar but I had red wine and raspberry vinegar. Instantly after setting my little traps out I already have the little bugs where I want them. They do seem a little too stupid to get into the trap but its only been 5 minutes and the cup has attracted so many. Thank you!
Bethanie Musser says
I put AVC (any fruit juice/sweet wine would also work) into a small mug or cup then cover it with plastic wrap. It looks a little nicer than the plastic bottle sitting around the kitchen. I’ve also tried the ACV and a drop or two of dish soap; I found both to be effective.
Leigh Anne @Your Homebased Mom says
Someone said we are having an epidemic of fruit flies here in the NW this Fall. They are driving me crazy. Giving this a try!
Betsy says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! The fruit flies are driving me nuts!! I was just going to do some research on the internet on how to get rid of them. I remember this time last year I had them so bad in my house and it works! Thank you for reminding me and saving me some time.
Kim says
You’re welcome! I do the same thing each year……..I have to remind myself. 🙂
Gail says
I just pour a small amount of cider vinegar and a dash of dish soap, in a small cup. I leave it out on the counter, the flies land and can’t get out. I have had a massive amount this year, this works great!
Kim says
That’s usually how I start each year, but it never seems to catch as many. Maybe it’s my imagination.
Lori says
Okay…I’m gonna give this a shot. I’ve tried the funnel in the jar and just setting out a small bowl of ACV but neither of those things worked. I’m tired of swatting at the little buggers! Maybe this will see an end to them in my kitchen. A girl can dream, right?